Increased Business Security and Cost Savings: Two Major Advantages of the Integration between Alutel Mobility and Genetec
Having the technological tools for security management is imperative and when unified, this leads to more agile and simple management for your operators.
The Alutel Mobility Suite is at the forefront of an increasingly demanding and changing market. Taking into account the constant challenges of the sector, its applications have the ability to integrate with the best security technologies.
The applications of the Alutel Mobility Suite can unified in Genetec Security Center™ platform, thus becoming a tailor-made solution for the particular needs of organizations.
In addition to Alutel's applications, the Genetec platform has the ability to bring together several security systems, which contributes to greater operational efficiency through better process performance and cost reduction.
Here's how companies can take advantage of this unification to optimize time and ensure greater efficiency in protecting their assets, as it allows them to tackle a wide range of tasks at the same time.
Access control, remote authentication, and virtual zones on a single monitor
The Alutel Mobile application has the ability to remotely manage access control and staff authentication without the need for additional physical infrastructure and can operate offline.
This application can be operated by a conventional tablet, or by the RAGTAB, a hardware that serves as a mobile reader developed to incorporate greater security and comfort to access control. Through the application, you can read IDs, whether they are physical or virtual credentials (hosted on mobile devices).
In the same way, it has the ability to validate access by means of an identification number or QR code.
At the same time, Alutel Mobile allows you to define virtual zones to monitor business transport vehicles at all times. When working with the GPS of the assigned mobile readers, this feature detects the entry or exit of buses in predefined areas. The app can detect the entry or exit of the vehicle from the points previously indicated after defining the virtual zone on a map.
This ensures an effective route or discovers if you had any mishap on your route, and also guarantees that only authorized persons or workers of that specific day are inside the vehicle.
Simultaneously, through the Genetec Security Center™ platform, operators are made aware of the authentication management features of this application, which maximizes resources without the need to invest additional time in terms of its operation.
Management of documents from a single point
In general, whenever contractors or external workers approach a company's facilities, it is essential to verify all the necessary documentation that identifies them and allows them to carry out their work.
To facilitate these procedures, the Aludoc application, which is part of the Alutel Mobility Suite, automates the administrative processes, allowing interested parties to attach licenses, and vehicle documentation, among other certificates, and thus the company guarantees all the legal aspects of the entry of external personnel.
With a unified platform such as that offered by Genetec Security Center™, the security team is able to manage all tasks from a single solution. This minimizes the training needed and streamlines the learning experience.
Registration and control of visits
Another relevant consideration for companies is to manage external users with efficiency. For this need exist EasyAccess, a solution that allows company employees to schedule and register visitors, as well as the vehicles that enter the facilities.
If someone is interested in visiting the plant, they can carry out a pre-registration with the required information by themselves. This process generates an online authorization, which the safety staff can check through a QR code.
Real-time enterprise risk management
In the event of a potential emergency situation that disrupts order within the company, those in charge of the safety of personnel and the physical plant can minimize the risks while the events happen.
The Mustering application of the Alutel Mobility Suite has several features that contribute to the above, since it uses positioning systems that provide real-time location information and solves the problems of having to perform repeated manual controls and personnel lists.
This helps to ensure the safety of each employee during an emergency, by knowing where they are at all times and thus, reduces threats as staff arrive in safe areas.
You can monitor the data through Genetec Security Center™, allowing your operators to feel in control of the environment while working in a more efficient way to make the best decisions.
In short, the solutions of the Alutel Mobility Suite unified with the Genetec Security Center™ platform are ideal to be implemented in installations with large areas in open fields (ports, airports, mining, oil and gas sector), as well as educational campuses and in business transport, among others.
To learn more about the unification of the Alutel Mobility Suite with Genetec Security Center™, platform, do not hesitate to click this link to discover the potential for cost savings in a unified physical security system.
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