Alutel Mobility: facing the challenges within business transport

March 21, 2023

March 21, 2023

March 21, 2023

One of the most important aspects offered by an entity for the well-being of its employees is corporate or business transport, which also tends to the benefit of the company, since it reduces delays and optimizes processes. 

However, there have been episodes of misuse of transport, specifically when mobilizing external personnel -whether relatives or acquaintances of employees-, who take advantage of the established route to reach a point "B", or get as close to it as possible. 

This inappropriate conduct can have consequences for companies in the event of an unfortunate event. The access of an unauthorized person to the interior of the transport could have an impact on legal actions against the company, for example in the case of a vehicle accident. By having a 'stowaway' inside the bus, the company could be forced to face legal demands for the fact of transporting a person without proper authorization. 

Similarly, in the event of an accident, the firm must answer for the health of those who prove to belong to it; however, reporting the presence of a third party can mean a legal inconvenience, with potential economic damages for the institution.

To prevent this and other risks that may arise in the provision of the business transport service, the Alutel Mobility Suite  (AMS) offers an excellent solution that favors the arrival of personnel to the facilities in a safe way: it is Alutel Mobile.

How does it work? 

The Alutel Mobile solution  can be installed on a  RAGTAB tablet, with mounting bracket for transport systems to create a mobile credential reader.

The tablet features the integration of a HID Global-branded RFID OEM module, which is capable of reading most contactless credential technologies as well as credentials hosted on each employee's mobile phones.

It should be noted that Alutel Mobile is also compatible with any type of tablet with Android or iOS operating system, to operate with QR code reading or entering an identification number. 

In this way, a system is generated with a mobile reader capable of collating, in the central database, the information of who is authorized to board the buses used by the company and who is not. 

4 benefits of Alutel Mobile, beyond security

  1. Time saving

There can be hundreds of employees who enter the facilities at the time of a shift change and the process to identify them one by one is wasteful and generates delays, in addition to traffic jams in the goals. 

With this solution, employees no longer have to get out of the vehicles and go through the turnstiles to register their income. From inside the buses, the manager passes through the seats authenticating them instantly, validating the identity and registering the arrival of the staff, which translates into time savings for the company. 

  1. Prevents additional travel 

In a company with changing shifts, it is possible that at some point a clueless worker goes to the company on a day that does not correspond to him, either because it is his day of rest, it can happen, or because he did not take into account the change of schedule of his activities.  

The Alutel Mobile application authenticates the person at the moment they get into the vehicle and accepts or does not accept their presence according to the employee's schedule. In addition, it has the ability to protect the history of the route, even if you do not have an internet connection. 

Records can also act as evidence to challenge the driver's testimony in case they have deviated from the route for no apparent reason.

  1. Offers virtual zones for vehicle monitoring

Alutel Mobile allows in turn to define virtual zones to have at all times a monitoring of the vehicle that transports the employees. This feature detects the entry or exit of the virtual zone, when working with the GPS of the assigned mobile devices. 

After defining the virtual area on a map, the bus is tracked through the virtual fences generated and each time it passes through one, it is ensured that its route is being effective or if, on the contrary, it had any mishap in the route. 

  1. Prevents a process from being interrupted due to staff absence

An unexpected absence of one or more of the team members can delay processes within a company. 

The different departments of a company can have problems if there is a non-attendance, unless it can act in time from the moment it is detected that the employee did not address the transport. 

The solution allows to proceed on this contingency, by notifying the presence or not of the personnel from the starting point of the bus, also taking advantage of the capacity of the application in terms of the allocation of seats. 

In this way, the processes are automated by determining during the journey who will attend and allowing a greater window of maneuver to the person in charge of each area with accurate information of the people who will accompany him that day.

One more advantage of Alutel Mobility, useful for collection centers

Another important component of Alutel Mobility Suite is in terms of cargo transport, where documentation must be completed quickly and efficiently when entering a collection center. 

For this purpose, there is the Aludoc component, which allows to verify and validate the certificates of the transporters prior to the arrival of the freight. 

In this way, those in charge can register the necessary documentation, including photographs of the drivers for better authentication and thus carry the cargo to a successful port, with prior authorization to enter the site. 

This is how the modules of the  Alutel Mobility Suite for transport systems are tools that seek business efficiency, which has a direct impact on the profitability of companies and organizations that use business transport. 

If you want to know more about this solution, you can enter this link for more information.

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